
eisegesis – The interpretation of a word or passage by reading into it one’s own ideas. More…

hermeneutic – An adjective meaning “concerned with interpretation,” especially of scripture. More…

case-sensitive – If something is case-sensitive, there is a different meaning or interpretation based on upper- and lower-cased letters. More…

semiotics – The study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation. More…


whatnot – A series of open shelves supported by two or four upright posts, for displaying knickknacks. More…

oriel – A large, upper-story bay window, usually supported by brackets or on corbels. More…

portico – Describes a covered walkway with a roof supported by columns and usually attached as a porch to a building. More…

felly, felloe – The felly or felloe is the exterior rim on a wheel or the section of rim supported by a spoke. More…


hurrah, hurray, hooray – Hurrah, hurray, and hooray are alterations of huzza, a sailor’s cheer. More…

jumper – First a loose jacket worn by sailors, from jump, “a short coat.” More…

put through the hoop – An ancient marine phrase for a punishment for sailors involving an iron hoop. More…

smart money – A phrase meaning money bet by those in the know, originating in 1926; earlier than that, it meant “money paid to sailors, soldiers, workers, etc., who have been disabled while on the job.” More…


boulevard – From French, literally “rampart” or a “promenade on the site of a rampart.” More…

bulwark – Comes from German bole, “plank,” and werc, “work,” and originally meant “rampart made out of planks or tree trunks.” More…

rampart – From Latin re-, “again,” and emparer, “fortify,” from the earlier ante-, “before,” and parare, “prepare.” More…

wall – Comes from Latin vallum, “rampart.” More…


jetton – A counter or token used as a gambling chip or to operate slot machines. More…

token – Etymologically, something that “shows” you something, from a base meaning “show, sign.” More…

indicium – An indication, sign, or token—specifically, the stamp on mail indicating paid postage. More…

signal, sign – Signal is from Latin signalis, “of a sign,” from signum, “mark, token”—from which sign is derived. More…


heart – As the seat of feeling and intellect, heart has been used since around 825. More…

intellect, intelligent – Intellect and intelligent come from Latin intelligere, “perceive” or “understand.” More…

intelligible – Means “understandable through the intellect.” More…

inwit – Usually means “an inner sense of right or wrong,” but its more general meaning is “reason, intellect, understanding, or wisdom.” More…


Apgar score – A measure of a baby’s well-being taking into consideration respiratory effort, skin color, heart rate, muscle tone, and sense of smell (named for American anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar). More…

datum line – The horizontal or base line, from which the heights of points are reckoned or measured, as in the plan of a railway, etc. More…

scantling – Means “measured or prescribed size” or a “set of standard dimensions.” More…

military time – Time measured on a 24-hour scale of 0100-2400 hours. More…