tree trunk

pirogue – A canoe made from a tree trunk. More…

tree ring – Any of the concentric rings of the cross-section of a tree trunk, representing a year’s growth, or the layer of wood produced by a year’s growth in a woody plant; also called annual ring. More…

block – Derives from Middle Dutch blok, “tree trunk.” More…

snag – Literally first meant a stump on a tree trunk or a piece of timber underwater that obstructed navigation. More…


diminish – A blend of diminue, “speak disparagingly,” and minish, “reduce in amount, degree, influence, power.” More…

formulate – Can mean “reduce to a formula.” More…

moderate – Etymologically, it means “keep within due measure,” and is derived from Latin moderari or moderare, “control, reduce.” More…

minimize – Means to reduce to an absolute minimum—not to play down or soften. More…


addled, muddled – Addled refers to mental confusion; muddled is anything confused or in a mess. More…

dog’s breakfast, dog’s dinner – Meaning a mess or muddle, a dog’s breakfast or dog’s dinner originally may have referred to a cooking mishap with results fit only for a dog’s consumption. More…

higgledy-piggledy – Probably formed from pig and the animal’s suggestions of mess and disorder. More…

kettle of fish – Meaning “mess, muddle,” the phrase is from “a pretty kettle of fish,” a corruption of “kiddle of fish,” in which a kiddle is a basket set in the opening of a weir for catching fish. More…


extemporaneous, impromptu – Extemporaneous means “prepared in advance and carried out with few or no notes,” while impromptu means “totally unprepared, performed on the spur of the moment”—but this distinction has been all but lost. More…

moment, momentum – Latin momentum, from movere, “move,” and -mentum, is the source of moment and momentum, which first meant “moving power.” More…

moment of truth – A translation of a Spanish expression referring to the time of the final sword thrust in a bullfight. More…

momentarily, presently – Momentarily means “in a moment”; presently means “soon” or “shortly.” More…


great circle – Any circle on the surface of a sphere that lies on a plane through its center, or a circle that divides into two equal parts—as the Equator. More…

quadrant – A quarter of a circle or sphere. More…

rhumb line – A line on a sphere that cuts all meridians at the same angle; the path taken by a ship or plane that maintains a constant compass direction. More…

diameter – From Greek, meaning “measure through” (a circle or sphere, etc.). More…