Nigerian Civil War Begins (1967)

Nigeria gained independence from Britain in 1960, and its first years of autonomy were characterized by severe conflict between its many ethnic groups. In 1967, the predominantly Igbo Eastern Region of Nigeria seceded amid fears that the rival Hausa tribe was gaining increasing power in Nigeria’s central government. Though the newly proclaimed Republic of Biafra made advances early in the war, it was no match for Nigeria’s forces. What medical organization was established as a result of the war? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Jan Hus Day

This day is celebrated in the Czech Republic to commemorate Jan Hus, an early 15th-century Czech priest and reformer who advocated the idea of a poor Church that limited itself to Biblical teachings and spiritual affairs. Hus was summoned to the ecclesiastical Council of Constance in 1414; when he refused to recant his teachings, Hus was excommunicated and burnt at the stake on July 6, 1415. Jan Hus Day is a national holiday in the Czech Republic. A wreath is placed on his monument in Old Town Square in Prague, and the national flag is flown at all public places. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Frida Kahlo (1907)

Kahlo, a Mexican artist noted for her self-portraits, taught herself to paint while recovering from a severe bus accident that crippled her as a teen and required her to undergo some 35 operations. Drawing on her personal experiences, her works often starkly portray pain and the harsh lives of women. Though once known only as the wife of famous Mexican artist Diego Rivera, she eventually eclipsed his fame. Of her 143 paintings, how many are self-portraits? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel refers to a family of trees and shrubs found in Japan, China, and North America. They are deciduous shrubs that usually grow 10-26 ft (3-8 m) tall but can reach 40 ft (12 m). The fruit of the witch hazel is a two-parted capsule, 1 cm long, that bursts in Autumn and shoots seeds up to 33 ft (10 m) away. The plant’s hard wood is used in cabinet making, and an astringent is extracted from its bark and leaves. The plant’s branches have been used in what form of divination? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

SPAM Introduced into the Market (1937)

Introduced in 1937 by the Hormel Foods Corporation as “Hormel Spiced Ham,” the precooked, canned-meat product was renamed “SPAM” when it began to lose market share. SPAM is now popular worldwide and is sold in more than 40 countries, including South Korea, where it is said to be so popular that it is sometimes given as a gift. The product has become a part of pop culture as the butt of many jokes and urban legends about mystery meat. What ingredients are used to make SPAM? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Clipping the Church Day

The old English custom of “clipping the church” entails embracing the church by joining hands around it and performing a simple dance step, advancing and retreating three times. In Guiseley, Yorkshire, the custom traditionally was observed on St. Oswald‘s Day, August 5, but now takes place in July, during the Festival of Guiseley. There is a special service followed by a procession outside the church where all sing “St. Oswald’s Ballad.” Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Cecil Rhodes (1853)

Rhodes left England at 18 for South Africa, where he later founded De Beers Consolidated Mines. By 1891, his company was mining 90% of the world’s diamonds. He extended the company’s control to two northern provinces, which were eventually named for him as Southern Rhodesia—now Zimbabwe—and Northern Rhodesia—now Zambia. He is perhaps best known for the eponymous scholarship established by his final will. In his original will, he proposed the establishment of a secret society that would do what? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary


In Greek mythology, Medusa was the most famous of the three monstrous Gorgon sisters. She was once a beautiful woman, but she offended Athena, who changed her hair into snakes and made her face so hideous that all who looked at her were turned to stone. When Medusa was with child by Poseidon, Perseus beheaded her. What creatures sprang from her blood? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary