The Siloam Inscription

Around the 8th century BCE, King Hezekiah of Jerusalem became concerned that if the Assyrians laid siege to his city, they could cut off the Gihon Spring—a major source of fresh water—from outside the city walls. He ordered that the spring be redirected through a deep subterranean tunnel. The tunnel was discovered by an archaeologist in 1838, but it was a curious youth who found an inscription—one of the oldest examples of written Hebrew in existence—set into the tunnel wall. What does it say? Discuss

Corsned: The Morsel of Execration

In Anglo-Saxon times, the corsned was a common “trial by ordeal” in which an accused person was given a chance to prove their innocence by undergoing a physical test—in the case of the corsned, swallowing a small piece of bread or cheese. If the morsel of food—which had been blessed by a priest—stuck in the throat of the accused, it was taken as a sure sign of guilt. History records at least one instance of that very outcome. What common phrases may have originally referenced the corsned? Discuss


aioli – French for ai, “garlic,” and oli, “oil”—mayonnaise seasoned with garlic. More…

drawn butter – Melted, clarified, and seasoned. More…

herbes de Provence – A blend of herbs used for seasoning, such as basil, bay leaf, chervil, fennel, lavender, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, summer savory, tarragon, and thyme. More…

herb, spice, seasoning – Herbs are, technically, plants with aerial parts used for seasoning foods, and a spice (also called seasoning) is any substance used for seasoning foods; many herbs are used as spices, but not all. More…

Notorious B.I.G. Shot and Killed in Los Angeles (1997)

Seven months after rival rapper Tupac Shakur was gunned down in Las Vegas, Christopher Wallace—better known as the Notorious B.I.G.—was killed in a drive-by shooting in Los Angeles. Although it has been widely speculated that Wallace was shot in retaliation for Shakur’s murder in the culmination of a feud between members of East Coast and West Coast hip-hop record companies, both murders remain unsolved. Just weeks after Wallace’s death, his new album was released. What was it called? Discuss