International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

This day is observed annually on March 21, the anniversary of the day in 1960 when, at a peaceful demonstration against the apartheidpass laws” in Sharpeville, South Africa, police opened fire and killed 69 black South Africans. Observation of this day was initiated by the United Nations General Assembly in 1966, when it called on the international community to redouble its efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination and to remember the victims of Sharpeville. Discuss

The Official Languages of India

India is a land of great cultural diversity, as evidenced by the enormous number of languages spoken there. Though the primary official language of India is Hindi, more than 1,500 languages and dialects are spoken throughout the country, and many of them have acquired varying degrees of government recognition and protection, whether for use as official regional languages or simply to guarantee the rights of speakers. In what particular region of India is French an official language? Discuss


em dash, en dash – The em dash is the long dash used in punctuation whose length is based on the width of the letter M; the en dash is shorter (the width of an N) and the hyphen is even shorter. More…

punctual – From Latin punctum, “point,” it can mean “pertaining to punctuation,” or “of or relating to a point in space.” More…

square brackets, parentheses, braces – Square brackets were formerly called crotchets, round brackets are commonly called parentheses, and curly brackets are called braces; the punctuation called brackets derives from the bookshelf type, implying that, in writing, these marks “lift up” a section of a sentence. More…

stigmeology – The art of punctuation. More…

Hex Signs

Hex signs are a form of folk art that originated in the Pennsylvania Dutch culture. Though the colorful geometric emblems remain popular in Pennsylvania, they are not used by the local Amish or Mennonite populations. There is some controversy over the true purpose of hex signs. While some folk-art scholars maintain that the signs are purely decorative, they are associated with folk magic, and their designs carry symbolic meaning. A hex sign featuring a horse head is said to protect against what? Discuss