Haiti Flag and University Day

National unity is a primary theme of Flag and University Day in Haiti, an independence celebration and an occasion to recognize the country’s educational system. Flag Day became an annual celebration shortly after Catherine Flon sewed the first red and blue flag in 1803, a year before Haiti won its independence from France. The government incorporated University Day as part of the celebration in 1919. Haitians wave flags throughout the day’s parades and fairs, which take place throughout Haiti as well as in New York and Miami, two cities with large Haitian communities. Discuss

Operation Paperclip

During World War II, German scientists made great strides in rocketry, aeronautics, and other fields. Almost immediately after the war’s end, the US began vigorously recruiting these scientists, bolstering its own scientific programs while denying the USSR access to these assets. Though the US president authorized Operation Paperclip, he forbade the recruitment of Nazi Party members and active supporters of Nazi militarism. How did the agency overseeing the program sidestep this order? Discuss


boycott, embargo – A boycott is an organized popular protest, named for Captain Charles C. Boycott (1832-97), a land agent in Ireland to whom this was done in 1880; an embargo is usually imposed by a government. More…

silentium – A place where silence is imposed (library, religious retreat). More…

Pax Romana – An uneasy peace, as one imposed by a powerful state on a weaker or vanquished state. More…

mumbletypeg – The children’s game was first mumble-the-peg, descriptive of one of the penalties imposed on the loser. More…

George Boleyn, Brother of Anne, Beheaded (1536)

Henry VIII had two of his six wives beheaded, but the unpleasant consequences of his marriages did not apply only to his spouses. After Henry’s first marriage was annulled, he took Anne Boleyn as his queen. Though she bore him the future Queen Elizabeth I, she produced no male heir, and he lost interest in her. In 1536, he had her imprisoned on questionable charges of adultery and incest—allegedly with her brother, George. Both were beheaded. What did George reportedly say before his execution? Discuss

Toshogu Haru-No-Taisai

This festival provides the most spectacular display of ancient samurai costumes and weaponry in Japan. The Toshogu Shrine, in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture, was built in 1617 to house the mausoleum of Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616), the first of the Tokugawa shoguns. On the first day of the festival, dignitaries and members of the Tokugawa family make offerings to the deities of the shrine, and warriors on horseback shoot at targets with bows and arrows. The next morning, more than 1,000 people take part in the procession from Toshogu to Futarasan Shrine, including hundreds of samurai warriors. Discuss